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How much does natural gas cost in Alberta?

“If that increases 25-30 per cent, that’s a big jump to our expenses by the end of the year.” According to the government of Alberta, natural gas prices were $2.78 per gigajoule in August 2021, a 55.8 per cent increase from 2016. On Thursday, Gas Alberta listed the market price of natural gas at $4.83 per gigajoule.

How will Alberta's natural gas rate change in 2023?

Supply and Demand Balance: The abundant supply of natural gas in Alberta, coupled with advancements in extraction technology, is expected to keep natural gas rates relatively stable in 2023. However, increases in demand due to population growth, economic activity, and weather conditions could exert upward pressure on rates.

What is a natural gas reference price?

The Natural Gas Reference Price is a critical input into the valuation of the Crown's royalty volume. In the chart or data table, select the month to obtain the monthly reference prices for natural gas, methane, ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes and sulphur in PDF.

What will natural gas prices look like in the future?

Experts are mixed when it comes to future projections also, with most expecting a bearish turn and lower prices. For example, The World Bank, in its Commodity Markets Outlook, forecasts US natural gas prices to remain close to $2.80/MMBtu.

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